support svff
Your contribution sustains vital programming while opening doors to a vibrant community of film enthusiasts and creators—all while enhancing your personal Festival journey with VIP amenities and behind-the-scenes experiences that general attendees simply can’t access.
Support the transformative power of cinema while gaining unprecedented access to all SVFF has to offer.
Support SVFF’s mission by directing your funding towards an outreach or education initiative, hosting a reception or party or underwriting an award
- Customized Festival access package personalized for you
- Concierge services at the Festival
- Invitations to limited availability special events and private screenings
- All benefits associated with SVFF membership, including access to monthly movies
- Introductions to visiting filmmakers and talent
- Ability to bring friends/prospects to select events (space permitting)
- Access to Festival leadership for consultation
- Acknowledgement in Festival materials
Tax benefits associated with charitable donation
Support SVFF’s mission by directing your funding towards one of our outreach and education initiatives
- Customized Festival access package personalized for you
- Concierge services at the Festival
- Invitations to limited availability special events and private screenings
- All benefits associated with SVFF membership, including access to monthly movies
- Ability to bring friends/prospects to select events (space permitting)
- Acknowledgement on all Festival platforms
- Tax benefits associated with charitable donation
Support SVFF’s mission by contributing to our vital programming.
- Customized Festival access package personalized for you
- Invitations to limited availability special events and private screenings
- All benefits associated with SVFF membership, including access to monthly movies
- Acknowledgement on all Festival platforms
- Tax benefits associated with charitable donation